On the 131st episode of Piecing It Together, Bee Garner joins me for a fantastic sci-fi mystery that kind of came out of nowhere. The Vast Of Night, out now on Amazon Prime, is like a modern Twilight Zone episode with a great script and wonderful performances. Puzzle pieces include War Of The Worlds, the Before Trilogy, Evil Dead and Goodfellas.
As always, SPOILER ALERT for The Vast Of Night and the movies we discuss!
SPECIAL NOTE: If YOU have a story related to aliens or the unknown, get in touch with it! Bee and I would love to retell your story on the show and talk about what “puzzle pieces” YOUR story could have!
Writer – James Montague and Craig W. Sanger
Director – Andrew Patterson
Starring Sierra McCormick, Jake Horowitz
Bee Garner is a film critic whose work can be seen on many sites including her new site In Their Own League which you can check out at https://intheirownleague.com/
Follow Bee Garner on Twitter @ThefilmB
My 5th album, Beater (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is available NOW on iTunes and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!
My brand-new music video “Ferris Wheel” on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkRQZLam5z4
I have a new music video called “Multiply” that will premiere Saturday, June 6th at the CyberShorts VR Film Festival. Check it out at https://account.altvr.com/events/1463318763079205584
The song at the end of the episode is “Lights In The Sky” from my first album Echoes In The Dark available on all digital music services.
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Also, be sure to check out the Secret Transmission Podcast at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/secret-transmission-podcast/id1090705905
And most important of all… Keep going to the theater to see new movies!