Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey about Piecing It Together and everything I do with podcasting. Most of the questions are simple yes/no answers, but wherever possible, please include as much info as you can as it will make all of this all the more worthwhile. I love making this podcast and am always looking for ways to make it a better show for everyone who listens. There are 4 pages of questions, so please take your time, and know that I really appreciate your responses… And don’t forget, if you’d like to be entered to win a prize, including Piecing It Together T-Shirts, David Rosen CDs and free tickets from The Beverly Theater (an amazing arthouse theater here in Las Vegas, NV), make sure to fill out the last section with your name, email, and which prize you’re interested in.

Piecing It Together Survey
Questions About Piecing It Together
Make sure to answer everything in this section.

How long have you been listening to Piecing It Together?*

How do you define a "puzzle piece" as it relates to the Piecing It Together Podcast?*

Do you like our monthly Trailer Round-Up episodes?*

Do you like our Missing Pieces and Breaking It Apart episodes that focus on twisting the format to cover older films?*

Have you ever had a movie spoiled by Piecing It Together that you wish hadn't been?*

Would you ever attend a live recording of Piecing It Together at a movie theater or film festival?*

Would you like to see written articles and reviews from David / Piecing It Together?*

Would you like to see a video component to Piecing It Together Podcast?*

Is there anything you DON'T like about Piecing It Together*

Would you be interested in a series of bonus episodes looking in depth at films that have come up often as puzzle pieces?*

Do you have a favorite or least favorite episode? Let me know what it is!*

Would you ever be interested in being a guest on the podcast?*

Any other comments about Piecing It Together that aren't covered in the preceding questions?

Awesome Movie Year
Questions about Awesome Movie Year, the other movie podcast that David Rosen produces.

Do you also listen to the other movie podcast David produces, Awesome Movie Year?*

What is an awesome movie year that you'd like Awesome Movie Year to cover?*

Is there another category per season that you'd like to see Awesome Movie Year add to its roster of episodes (ie. Best Picture, First Time Feature, Documentary, Future Cult Classic, etc.)?*

Any other comments that aren't covered in the preceding questions?

Other Questions
Various other questions about David Rosen's projects.

If David started another podcast, would you give it a listen based off of his involvement alone?*

Do you listen to David's music on a streaming service?*

If you aren't already subscribed to the Produced by David Rosen Patreon (featuring content from Piecing It Together, Awesome Movie Year and David's music), what kind of content would entice you to subscribe?*

Are you a member of the Popcorn & Puzzle Pieces Facebook group (the official group of the podcast)?*

Any other comments for David that aren't covered in the preceding questions?

Enter To Win
Fill out this section if you want to enter to win a prize!



Which prize would you like to enter to win?