Podcast Tag: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

Nope (Featuring The Lady-Wan)

On the 251st episode of Piecing It Together, The Lady-Wan returns to the podcast to talk about Jordan Peele’s 3rd film, Nope. This unique take on the UFO subgenre of horror is an old school blast and one of my favorite movies of the year. Puzzle pieces include Fire In The Sky, Cloverfield, Back To The Future 2 and a whole bunch of Steven Speilberg.

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In The Earth (Featuring Amy Smith)

On the 180th episode of Piecing It Together, film critic Amy Smith from the Film For Thought Podcast joins me to talk about the latest and possibly weirdest movie from weird movie guy Ben Wheatley. It’s one of the first films to get made after the Covid-19 pandemic and taps into the anxiety we’re all still feeling a little bit. Puzzle pieces include Annihilation, Midsommar, Contagion and It Comes At Night.

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The Vast Of Night (Featuring Bee Garner)

On the 131st episode of Piecing It Together, Bee Garner joins me for a fantastic sci-fi mystery that kind of came out of nowhere. The Vast Of Night, out now on Amazon Prime, is like a modern Twilight Zone episode with a great script and wonderful performances. Puzzle pieces include War Of The Worlds, the Before Trilogy, Evil Dead and Goodfellas.

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Halloween Double Feature (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)

On the 45th episode of Piecing It Together, I’m joined by Chad Clinton Freeman for a special kind of episode we’ve never really done before… It’s both a Piecing It Together of 2018’s Halloween (now available on Digital and Blu-ray), and a Breaking It Apart of 1978’s original Halloween from John Carpenter. While coming up with our puzzle pieces for the new one, we realized that all the movies that inspired it, were themselves inspired by the original, so we thought this would make for a fun episode. Puzzle pieces include Scream, Stranger Things, Happy Death Day and Mean Girls.

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