Road House (Featuring Joe Black)

by | Mar 22, 2024 | 0 comments

On the 362nd episode of Piecing It Together, Joe Black joins me to talk about Road House! Doug Liman and Jake Gyllenhaal’s reimagining of the Patrick Swayze cult classic is a hoot and we had a lot to get into. Puzzle pieces include Black Snake Moan, 92 In The Shade, South Paw and Orgazmo.

As always, SPOILER ALERT for Road House and the movies we discuss!

Written by Anthony Bagarozzi and others

Directed by Doug Liman

Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Conor McGregor, Billy Magnussen, Daniela Melchior, Jessica Williams


Joe Black is a filmmaker. Check out his work at

My sixth album, MORE CONTENT is available NOW on iTunesBandcamp and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!

My latest music is the 24 for 2024 series in which I’m releasing a new single on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month in 2024. 24 new songs total. Follow along on the Spotify Playlist at

My latest music video “Burn” which you can watch at

The song at the end of the episode is “Unstoppable” an upcoming track from my 24 for 2024 series.

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