Podcast Tag: South Paw

Road House (Featuring Joe Black)

On the 362nd episode of Piecing It Together, Joe Black joins me to talk about Road House! Doug Liman and Jake Gyllenhaal’s reimagining of the Patrick Swayze cult classic is a hoot and we had a lot to get into. Puzzle pieces include Black Snake Moan, 92 In The Shade, South Paw and Orgazmo.

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Creed 2 (Featuring Sean Malloy)

On the 51st episode of Piecing It Together, Sean Malloy from I Must Break This Podcast joins me to talk about his favorite actor, Dolph Lundgren… Or more specifically, the sequel to Creed and Rocky IV, Creed 2. Starring Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone, Creed 2 wraps up many of the story threads that have run through the Rocky and Creed series in an effective way. Puzzle pieces include Star Wars, South Paw and of course, Rocky 3.

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