On the 306th episode of Piecing It Together, Joe Black joins me to talk about Fast X. After the disappointment of Fast 9, we were both so excited to dig into the amazing tenth entry in the long-running Fast & Furious series. Puzzle pieces include The Dark Knight, Batman V Superman, Transporter 2 and Shoot ‘Em Up.
As always, SPOILER ALERT for Fast X and the movies we discuss!
Written by Justin Lin, Dan Manzeau, Gary Scott Thompson
Directed by Louis Leterrier
Starring Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Charlize Theron, Jason Momoa
Our next LIVE SHOW is coming up on Thursday, June 15th at Maya Cinemas in Las Vegas. Read more about it.
Joe Black is a filmmaker. Check out his work at https://www.bluemeanspregnantfilms.com/
My sixth album, MORE CONTENT is available NOW on iTunes, Bandcamp and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!
My latest music video “Ascending” which you can watch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fypZ3Z8qeT8
The song at the end of the episode is “Power” from MORE CONTENT.
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