Podcast Tag: The Mummy

The Pope’s Exorcist (Featuring Ren Geekness)

On the 301st episode of Piecing It Together, Ren Geekness joins me to talk about The Pope’s Exorcist. With Russell Crowe riding around Europe on a vespa on assignment from the Pope, performing exorcisms… There’s no way this movie isn’t a comedy. Puzzle pieces include Overlord, Constatine, The Prophecy and The Ninth Gate.

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Jungle Cruise (Featuring Chauncey Telese)

On the 197th episode of Piecing It Together, Chauncey Telese from LA Podfidential joins me to go on a Disney jungle adventure with The Rock and Emily Blunt in the new film Jungle Cruise. Based on the classic Disney ride, it’s a movie that has no confusion about what kind of movie it’s trying to be. Puzzle pieces include The Mummy, Anaconda, Indiana Jones and The Lost City of Z.

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The Invisible Man (Featuring Robert Yaniz Jr.)

On the 119th episode of Piecing It Together, Robert Yaniz Jr. from the Crooked Table Podcast helps me kick off year 3 of our podcast by looking at The Invisible Man. This modernized take on the classic Universal Monster movie from Blumhouse and director Leigh Whannel is totally surprising and does the long tradition of monsters proud. Puzzle pieces include Terminator 2, Ex Machina, Sleeping With The Enemy and Gone Girl.

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Terminator: Dark Fate (Featuring Brian Garth)

On the 112th episode of Piecing It Together, Brian Garth from the band Black Camaro returns to the show… This time in a private meeting room in the West Sahara Library to talk about Terminator: Dark Fate, recording directly into his monstrous digital creation known as The Monarch. It’s kind of a weird episode, but bringing Arnold Schwarzenegger back to play an old man version of the Terminator makes this a weird movie to talk about. Puzzle pieces include Halloween, Mission: Impossible Fallout, Ghostbusters: Answer The Call and all the previous Terminator movies.

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The Nun (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)

On the 27th episode of Piecing It Together, returning co-host Chad Clinton Freeman and I discuss The Nun, the newest entry in the ever expanding Conjuring Universe. The horrifying character who made her debut in The Conjuring 2 and Annabelle 2 finally gets her own movie, diving deep back into how this evil Nun character got her start and set off the events that would build the Conjuring universe and a world of unspeakable evil… It’s also absolutely ridiculous, hokey and hilarious and a great fun time at the movies! Puzzle pieces include Indiana Jones, Evil Dead, the Universal Classic Monsters and Scooby Doo.

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