Podcast Tag: Shazam!

Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness (Featuring Robert Yaniz Jr)

On the 238th episode of Piecing It Together, I’m joined by Robert Yaniz Jr to talk about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the latest entry in the long running Marvel Cinematic Universe and our first chance to talk about a Sam Raimi movie! Puzzle pieces include a bunch of other Sam Raimi movies as well as The Ring, Demolition Man and The Matrix.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Featuring Jason From Binge Movies)

On theĀ 216th episode of Piecing It Together, Jason from Binge Movies joins me to talk about the latest in the long-running Ghostbusters franchise, Ghostbusters: Afterlife. As much as I loved Ghostbusters as a kid, I had no idea the series meant so much to so many people. Jason schools me a little bit. Puzzle pieces include Amblin Movies, Shazam, Stranger Things and Sausage Party.

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Shazam! (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)

On the 56th episode of Piecing It Together, our resident DC fan Chad Clinton Freeman is back again to follow-up our Superman: The Movie discussion with an episode on DC’s newest superhero adventure, Shazam! Based on the classic story of a kid who is granted the power to turn into a superhero, it’s a complete turn to full on fun for the the DCEU. Puzzle pieces include Kick-Ass, Big, Ghostbusters and The Naked Gun.

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