Podcast Tag: Paranormal Activity

7500 (Featuring Imran The Nerd)

On the 135th episode of Piecing It Together, Imran The Nerd joins me to talk about 7500, a quick, tight thriller out now on Amazon Prime. Featuring the return of Joseph Gordon-Levitt after what feels like an eternity, its a solid little suspense film about a pilot who must survive a plane hijacking. Puzzle pieces include United 93, Gravity, The Dark Knight and Castaway.

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Searching (Featuring Jacob Tiranno)

On the 30th episode of Piecing It Together, we are joined by first-time co-host Jacob Tiranno of ChasingCinema.com to talk about Searching, the newest in a unique style of movie that unfolds completely on computer screens. While normally a gimmick like this would seem like something that would get old quick, a great story and top notch performances by John Cho and Debra Messing keep it interesting and exciting. Puzzle pieces include The Social Network, Gone Girl, Memento and Up.

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