Podcast Tag: MCU

Thor: Love And Thunder (Featuring Manish)

On theĀ 250th episode of Piecing It Together, we’re heading back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for Taika Waititi’s over the top Guns N’ Roses inspired sequel Thor: Love And Thunder, featuring Manish from It Pod To Be You Podcast. Puzzle pieces include Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Star Wars, Kindergarten Cop and The Fountain.

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Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness (Featuring Robert Yaniz Jr)

On the 238th episode of Piecing It Together, I’m joined by Robert Yaniz Jr to talk about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the latest entry in the long running Marvel Cinematic Universe and our first chance to talk about a Sam Raimi movie! Puzzle pieces include a bunch of other Sam Raimi movies as well as The Ring, Demolition Man and The Matrix.

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