Podcast Tag: Idiocracy

Megalopolis (Featuring Josh Bell)

On the 417th episode of Piecing It Together, Josh Bell joins me to talk about Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis. After decades of trying to bring his passion project to the big screen, it’s finally here… And it’s kind of a goof. Puzzle pieces include Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Fateful Findings, Idiocracy and The Fountainhead.

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Breaking It Apart – Super Mario Bros (Super Episode)

On this new entry in the special episode series Breaking It Apart, I’m joined by Kevin Brackett, Joe Black, Pete Abeyta, Derrick Patterson, Tara Giancaspro and VG Mobster for an episode on Super Mario Bros. The 1993 adaptation of the classic Nintendo platformer left a lot of people confued when it was first released but has gone on to become a cult classic and the kind of unique adpatation we’re not likely to see ever again. Puzzle pieces include The Matrix, Men In Black, Tank Girl and Inglorious Basterds.

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White Noise (Featuring Alex Marcus)

On the 284th episode of Piecing It Together, Alex Marcus joins me to talk about Noah Baumbach’s latest, White Noise. Based on the beloved, unfilmable novel by Dom DeLillo, he found a way to film it. And it’s weird. Puzzle pieces include Synecdoche New York, I Heart Huckabees, The Royal Tenenbaums and a bunch of Steven Spielberg films.

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Beavis & Butt-Head Do The Universe (Featuring Josh Bell)

On the 248th episode of Piecing It Together, Josh Bell returns to the podcast to talk about Beavis & Butt-Head Do The Universe, the return of the iconic dumbass horny teenagers. They’re back in a streaming movie that just came out on Paramount+ and is much funnier than we expected. Puzzle pieces include Rick & Morty, South Park, Idiocracy and Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse.

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Don’t Look Up (Featuring David Quinones)

On the 221st episode of Piecing It Together, David Quinones joins me to talk about a movie from 2021 that everyone has been talking about… Adam McKay’s political satire Don’t Look Up. We didn’t like it, but we DO agree with the message… Something that the director doesn’t seem to think is possible… Puzzle pieces include mother!, The Wolf of Wall Street, Shin Godzilla and Idiocracy.

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