Podcast Tag: First Man

The Bikeriders (Featuring Jason Harris)

On the 392nd episode of Piecing It Together, Jason Harris joins me to talk about The Bikeriders. One of our most anticipated films of 2024, we found ourselves a little underwhelmed by Jeff Nichols latest, even if it’s filled with great performances. Puzzle pieces include Goodfellas, Dazed and Confused, American HIstory X and Easy Rider.

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Oppenheimer LIVE (Featuring Kris Krainock, M.N. Miller and Brian Garth)

On the 319th episode of Piecing It Together, we are LIVE at Maya Cinemas in North Las Vegas, NV with guests Kris Krainock, Brian Garth and M.N. Miller to talk about Oppenheimer! This biographical portrait of the father of atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer is the latest blockbuster from Christopher Nolan. Puzzle pieces include A Hidden Life, The Terminator, The Social Network and Breaking Bad.

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Ford V Ferrari (Featuring Sean Fallon)

On the 102nd episode of Piecing It Together, new co-host filmmaker Sean Fallon joins us to talk about James Mangold’s crowd pleaser Ford V Ferrari (or Le Mans ’66 as it’s known overseas). Starring Matt Damon and Christian Bale as the team that got Ford (and America) the historic win on the race track, it’s a great underdog story, even if I knew nothing about racing going into it. Puzzle pieces include Armageddon, The Right Stuff, The Martian and The Fighter.

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Ad Astra (Featuring Rico Albarracin)

On the 91st episode of Piecing It Together, Rico Albarracin from Always The Critic Podcast joins me to talk about the James Gray / Brad Pitt space epic Ad Astra. It just hit me that we made it through an entire 40 minute episode about this movie without saying the phrase “daddy issues.” Puzzle pieces include Event Horizon, Goodfellas, Ex Machina and Interstellar.

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First Man (Featuring Brian Garth)

On the 32nd episode of Piecing It Together, returning co-host Brian Garth joins me to discuss First Man. Will Neil Armstrong overcome grief and make it to the moon? Will Damien Chazelle make three Oscar nominated, highly acclaimed films in a row with his first three features? Well yes, of course… but that doesn’t mean we loved it. Puzzle pieces include Dunkirk, Melancholia, The Right Stuff and Interstellar.
As always, SPOILER ALERT for First Man (and any other movies we discussed)!https://www.firstman.com/
Brian Garth is a music producer and has a band, Black Camaro.Find Black Camaro’s music on iTunes or at https://blackcamaro.bandcamp.com/And don’t forget to look for hashtag #instajamlv on Instagram for new music from Black Camaro AND me!
My new album, A Different Kind Of Dream is available NOW on iTunes and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!Also, my new Virtual Reality Music Video “Palindrone 360” is available now on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26kcl20ESp0And now my new short-film style Music Video “Artificial” is also available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6wnnMqoEr8
The song at the end of the episode is “The Void” from my album A Different Kind Of Dream, available now on iTunes.
Make sure to “Like” Piecing It Together on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/PiecingPod
And “Follow” us on Twitter @PiecingPodAnd Join the Conversation in our Facebook Group, Piecing It Together – A Movie Discussion Group.And check out https://www.piecingpod.com for more about our show!
Share the episode, comment and give us feedback! And of course, SUBSCRIBE!
Also, be sure to check out the There Will Be Geek Podcast on iTunes and at https://www.therewillbegeek.com/
And most important of all… Keep going to the theater to see new movies!

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