Podcast Tag: Drop Dead Fred

Z (Featuring Josh Bell)

On the 129th episode of Piecing It Together, Josh Bell joins us again (twice in one week, third this month!) to talk about a film from Las Vegas based filmmaker Brandon Christensen. Z starts off squarely in the creepy kid with an imaginary friend horror sub-genre and then takes some unexpected turns. Puzzle pieces include The Babadook, New Nightmare, The Omen and Drop Dead Fred.

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Jojo Rabbit (Featuring Jason Harris)

On the 117th episode of Piecing It Together, Jason Harris joins me to talk about Taika Waititi’s Nazi satire Jojo Rabbit. We recorded this way back when it came out in theaters, long before it won Best Adapted Screenplay at the Oscars and before it came out last week on VOD. Jojo Rabbit is kind of a love it or hate it movie, but we didn’t really love it or hate it. Puzzle pieces include South Park, Pan’s Labrynth, Moonrise Kingdom and Life Is Beautiful.

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