Podcast Tag: Bus Party To Hell

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Double Feature (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)

On the 226th episode of Piecing It Together, I’m joined by Chad Clinton Freeman for a special kind of episode… It’s both a Piecing It Together of the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre (now available on Netflix), and a Breaking It Apart of 1974’s original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from Tobe Hooper. We’d wanted to cover the original for a long time and the new one gave us the perfect opportunity to do this special episode like we did a few years back for Halloween. Puzzle pieces include that 2018 Halloween, as well as The Evil Dead, The Hills Have Eyes and Psycho.

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The VelociPastor (Featuring Josh Bell)

On the 82nd episode of Piecing It Together, film-critic Josh Bell joins me for a movie that I never thought we’d be covering on this show… The ridiculous direct-to-video schlocky horror-comedy The VelociPastor. It’s about a pastor… Who turns into a raptor. Strap in folks, because we are DOING THIS… Puzzle pieces include Orgazmo, Kung Pow and Grindhouse cinema.

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Faces & Aces – Las Vegas Piecing It Together (Special Episode)

On this Special Episode of Piecing It Together, I’m actually just reposting an episode of the Faces & Aces Podcast I was recently a guest on. I was contacted by the show’s host to join him for a special episode in which we took the Piecing It Together formula and applied it to the city I live in, Las Vegas, NV. Using the format, we came up with a list of movies that represent Las Vegas. It’s a fun talk and I thought you’d all want to hear it. Puzzle pieces include The Hangover, Swingers, Spy and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.

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Bus Party To Hell – Rolfe Kanefsky Interview (Special Episode)

On this special episode of Piecing It Together, I interview and get reactions from writer/director Rolfe Kanefsky about our episode that we did on Bus Party To Hell (Episode 8 of this show). This is the first in what we hope to make a regular series of getting reactions from filmmakers. This was the perfect opportunity to do this first one though because the movie, Bus Party To Hell, which has been available on VOD, iTunes and most streaming movie stores for a while now, is finally out TODAY on Blu-ray/DVD! It can be purchased from many popular stores that sell movies, and on June 26th, it hits 20,000 Redbox locations across the country. So be on the look-out for Bus Party To Hell, a crazy, blood & boob filled movie in which a satanic cult stops a party bus on its way to Burning Man and all hell breaks loose. Starring Tara Reid, Sadie Katz and Stefani Blake.

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Bus Party To Hell (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)

On the 8th episode of Piecing It Together, co-host Chad Clinton Freeman and I discuss Bus Party To Hell (formerly known as Party Bus To Hell). This wild, blood soaked throwback from the Mahal Brothers and director Rolfe Kanefsky starts with a Party Bus headed to Burning Man, but everything goes off the rails when demon worshipping cannibals turn the party into a blood bath. Also, I did the theme song and a couple other songs for the soundtrack. Puzzle pieces include The Hills Have Eyes, From Dusk Till Dawn, Evil Dead 2, and Requiem for a Dream.

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