Podcast Tag: Annabelle

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Featuring Jason From Binge Movies)

On the 388th episode of Piecing It Together, Jason from Binge Movies joins me to talk about Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. The latest in the beloved series didn’t exactly thrill critics… Or fans… Or Jason who is a superfan. But we had a fun time talking about it anyway. Puzzle pieces include Army of Darkness, The Real Ghostbusters, Casper and Annabelle.

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Imaginary LIVE (Featuring Jimmie Gonzalez, Knik Woods & Tom Devlin)

On the 359th episode of Piecing It Together, we are LIVE from Downtown Cinemas in Downtown Las Vegas with guests Jimmie Gonzalez, Tom Devlin and Knik Woods to talk about Imaginary! This Blumhouse horror film pulls from lots of creepy kids, creepy house and creepy doll movies and was a fun one to talk about with our podcast’s format. Puzzle pieces include Coraline, Hellraiser, A Nightmare on Elm Street and It.

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Orphan: First Kill (Featuring Chad Clinton Freeman)

On the 257th episode of Piecing It Together, Chad Clinton Freeman returns to the podcast to talk about Orphan: First Kill, the bonkers prequel to the bonkers horror movie about a little girl who is not what she seems. Puzzle pieces include Fatal Attraction, The Bad Seed, Changeling and Family Guy.

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Z (Featuring Josh Bell)

On the 129th episode of Piecing It Together, Josh Bell joins us again (twice in one week, third this month!) to talk about a film from Las Vegas based filmmaker Brandon Christensen. Z starts off squarely in the creepy kid with an imaginary friend horror sub-genre and then takes some unexpected turns. Puzzle pieces include The Babadook, New Nightmare, The Omen and Drop Dead Fred.

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Child’s Play (Featuring Adam Wells)

On the 70th episode of Piecing It Together, an old friend from summer camp where we used to discuss horror movies all night joins me to discuss the remake of one of those now classics… Child’s Play. Yes, Chucky the killer doll is back, but as you’ll find from our conversation, this isn’t the same Chucky from the old movies. Puzzle pieces include It, A.I., King Kong and Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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