Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Super Episode)

by | Dec 23, 2019 | 0 comments

On the 107th episode of Piecing It Together, it’s time for another super-episode! I’m joined by JC, TJ, David Michor, Adam Wells, The Lady-Wan and Joe Black to talk about the epic conclusion to the 9 film Star Wars story in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Of course it won’t really be the end, but it’s still Star Wars so the only proper way to cover it is with multiple guests.

As always, SPOILER ALERT for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and the movies we discuss!

Writer / Director – J.J. Abrams

Starring Daisy Ridley, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega

Lucasfilm / Bad Robot / Walt Disney

JC is a co-host of the Screen Fix Podcast which you can find at

Follow JC on Twitter @JCScreenFix

David Michor is a writer/director. As he doesn’t have a website, check out my reel on my website at to see a clip from The Hoarder, a film we made together.

TJ Kross is an award-winning composer and recently started a photography series on Instagram.

Check out his music at

Check out his photography at

Adam Wells is an old friend from Jew camp. He’s an active member of our Popcorn & Puzzle Pieces Facebook Group where we discuss all the new movies as well as classics and obscure ones that only Adam remembers. You should join too.

The Lady-Wan is a co-host of the Screen Fix Podcast which you can find at

Follow The Lady-Wan on Twitter @TheLadyWan

Joe Black is a filmmaker. You can find a great interview with him about his work at

You can also check out his company at

My 4th album, A Different Kind Of Dream is available NOW on iTunes and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!

My brand-new music video “The Void” is available now on YouTube at

The song at the end of the episode is “The Void” from the album A Different Kind Of Dream which is available on all major digital music services including iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.

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And most important of all… Keep going to the theater to see new movies!