Podcast Category: Breaking It Apart

Breaking It Apart – Super Mario Bros (Super Episode)

On this new entry in the special episode series Breaking It Apart, I’m joined by Kevin Brackett, Joe Black, Pete Abeyta, Derrick Patterson, Tara Giancaspro and VG Mobster for an episode on Super Mario Bros. The 1993 adaptation of the classic Nintendo platformer left a lot of people confued when it was first released but has gone on to become a cult classic and the kind of unique adpatation we’re not likely to see ever again. Puzzle pieces include The Matrix, Men In Black, Tank Girl and Inglorious Basterds.

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Breaking It Apart – Die Hard (Featuring Sean O’Connell)

On this new entry in the special episode series Breaking It Apart, I’m joined by Sean O’Connell for an episode on Die Hard. The 1988 Bruce Willis led action film is one of the most beloved and influential action movies of all time, ushering in practically every action movie from the 90s and beyond. Puzzle pieces include Speed, Under Seige, Cliffhanger and Home Alone.

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Breaking It Apart – The Bad News Bears (Featuring Noah Gittell)

On this new entry in the special episode series Breaking It Apart, I’m joined by Noah Gittell for an episode on The Bad News Bears. This 1976 Walter Matthau baseball comedy inspired all kinds of movies from sports films to misfit teams to the many movies we’ve had since about adult men behaving badly. Puzzle pieces include Little Big League, Caddy Shack, School of Rock and Big Daddy.

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Expend4bles (Featuring Sean Malloy)

On the 334th episode of Piecing It Together, action movie and Dolph Lundgren superfan Sean Malloy joins me to talk about Expend4bles, the fourth in the action hero team up series. It’s not the best movie, so half way through this episode takes a turn and becomes a Breaking It Apart episode on The Expendables series as a whole. Puzzle pieces include John Wick, Triple Threat, Extraction and The Suicide Squad.

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Thief (Featuring David Quinones)

On the 12th installment of the special episode series called Breaking It Apart, I’m joined by David Quinones to talk about Michael Mann’s classic debut, 1981’s Thief. The film just celebrated its 40th anniversary, and it’s so easy to see its influence (as well as Michael Mann’s in general) on so many crime films that have come since. Puzzle pieces include Drive, Good Time, The Score and Gigli.

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