by | May 30, 2022 | Patreon | 0 comments

One of my favorite theatrical experiences of the year… I almost let this one slide, but I got enough requests for it so I had to circle back to Michael Bay’s AmbuLAnce… Joe Black returns to the podcast to discuss this wild ride of a film. The episode hits the main feed soon, but you can check it out early over on our Patreon!

The PRODUCED BY DAVID ROSEN PATREON features early access to recorded Piecing It Together episodes as well as bonus content from the show. It also features exclusive bonus content from AWESOME MOVIE YEAR PODCAST and exclusive music content from DAVID ROSEN. Sign up today for tiers starting at $1/month, with bonus content starting at $3/month! We appreciate your support, and the more subscribers we get the more content we will make for the Patreon!Tags: Patreon

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